LED News
Dear visitors, the wheel never stands still. Neither does it here. On our blog we write interesting and worth knowing things about our products, our customers, as well as news from the LED industry. You as a reader are cordially invited to join the discussion, ask questions and enrich this blog with your suggestions.
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Firmware and Co: Where can I find the right download?
New is always better. Right? We agree! With one exception: when it comes to NovaStar’s firmware and [...]
Prolight + Sound 2024 – a look back
More than 500 exhibitors, around 25,000 visitors and right in the middle – of course – our LEDTEK team. [...]
The new P3+WH PRO!
You asked for it – and now we are delivering! With the new P3+WH PRO we are reacting to [...]
The LEDTEK emergency kit
We never hope for it, but it can always happen that you are about to start your event and [...]
Tri-Frame: base plate or studding?
All owners of LED walls stumble across this question at some point: How do I set up my [...]
The MX family: for whom and what the NovaStar series is suitable
The family reunion took some time. With the smallest and the largest MX-device MX20 and MX6000 Pro, [...]
LEDTEK supports NCP-files
No LED technology without programming. Hence, this process is continuously optimized by the providers to make the [...]
NovaStar Update: KU20
Through our partnership with NovaStar we are able to keep up to date when it comes to controlling [...]
Repair for NovaStar power supplies
Products that provide reliable, fault-free services are valuable. They become particularly valuable when the people that sell [...]
Bye bye, P4+WH PRO V2
Time flies – and so many things can happen in just over a year. It has almost been one [...]
News from NovaStar: the LCB4K
LCB4K is a new product by our well-known partner NovaStar. The multimedia-player, that is suitable for LCD- and LED-displays [...]
NovaStar and NEO at the IBC Amsterdam
Around 43,000 visitors visited this years IBC Show in Amsterdam between September 15 – 18. More than 1,250 exhibitors [...]
MX times 2: NovaStar MX20 or MX30
Even though the NovaStar product pallet might seem like a maze sometimes, things are actually pretty simple. [...]
Cooperation Layher and PRO-series: more than an LED wall
An all-round carefree free package – exactly what you get when you decide to purchase our PRO-series. With this new [...]
Which LEDTEK product is the right one for me?
At concerts, fairs, sport events or as a billboard – the LED wall has become indispensable. In a time [...]
MX6000 Pro and MX20: what can you expect?
NovaStar, LEDTEK’s distribution partner, started the summer with two new products. The devices are part of the [...]
The LEDTEK Tri-Frame
With LED walls, one can put wonderful superstructures into practice. They flicker and glitters colourfully, the images [...]
NovaStar TU-series
More NovaStar? Hello! And this makes sense: LED-technology is a versatile industry. The customers are correspondingly heterogeneous. [...]
A new member of NovaStar: the MX20
NovaStar's MX-series went hand in hand with the inclusion of the new VMP software and the COEX [...]
NovaStar MX-series: who is MX30?
All-in-One does not necessarily mean All-in-One. NovaStar develops its products always according to the demands of the [...]
We are at LEaT con!
After successfully proving itself as a trade fair for the first time in 2022, the LEaT con is finally [...]
Case Study: the Tri-Frame studding – outdoor
A studding for indoors and outdoors? This is only available with us and it is called the Tri-Frame! We [...]
Case study: the Tri-Frame base plate
The Tri-Frame base plate for indoor structures is part of a thought-out overall system that we developed around the [...]
Case Study: the Tri-Frame studding – indoor
We wanted to celebrate our fair stand at this year's Prolight + Sound in a fitting manner - and [...]